Sirach 17:8-14

Sirach 17:8-14

{17:8} so that they might highly praise the name of sanctification, and give glory to his wonders, so that they might declare the greatness of his works.
{17:9} In addition, he gave them discipline and the law of life, as their inheritance.
{17:10} He established an eternal covenant with them, and he revealed to them his justice and judgments.
{17:11} And their eye saw the greatness of his honor, and their ears heard the honor of his voice, and he said to them: “Beware of all iniquity.”
{17:12} And he commanded each one concerning his neighbor.
{17:13} Their ways are always in his sight; they are not hidden from his eyes.
{17:14} Over each and every people, he has appointed a ruler.

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