Sirach 17:1-7
Sirach 17:1-7
{17:1} God created man from the earth, and he made him according to his own image.
{17:2} And he returned him again to it, and he clothed him with virtue according to himself.
{17:3} He gave him the number and time of his days, and he gave him authority over all the things that are upon the earth.
{17:4} He placed the fear of him over all flesh, and he had dominion over wild beasts and flying things.
{17:5} He created from him a helper, similar to himself. He gave them counsel, and language, and sight, and hearing, and a heart, in order to think. And he filled them with the discipline of understanding.
{17:6} He created within them the knowledge of the spirit. He filled their heart with understanding, and he showed them both good and evil.
{17:7} He set his eye upon their hearts, to reveal to them the greatness of his works,