Sirach 16:1-7

Sirach 16:1-7

{16:1} You should not rejoice in impious children, if they are successful; nor should you take delight in them, if the fear of God is not in them.
{16:2} You should not approve of their life, nor should you look with favor on their labors.
{16:3} For one child who fears God is better than one thousand impious children.
{16:4} And it is better to die without children, than to leave behind impious children.
{16:5} By means of one person with understanding, a country will be inhabited. The tribe of the impious will become desolate.
{16:6} Many such things my eyes have seen, and greater things than these my ear has heard.
{16:7} In the synagogue of sinners, a fire will blaze forth; and amid an unbelieving people, wrath will flare up.

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