Sirach 14:1-7

Sirach 14:1-7

{14:1} Blessed is the man who has not slipped because of a word from his mouth, and who has not been stung by grief because of an offense.
{14:2} Happy is he who does not have sadness in his mind, and who has not fallen away from his hope.
{14:3} Substance is senseless for a greedy and stingy man. And what would a spiteful man do with gold?
{14:4} Whoever acquires unjustly, according to his own mind, gathers for others. For another will spend his goods lavishly.
{14:5} Whoever is wicked to himself, to whom will he be good? For he will not take enjoyment in his own goods.
{14:6} Whoever has ill will toward himself, nothing is more worthless than he is. But such is the reward of his wickedness.
{14:7} And if he does good, he does it ignorantly and unwillingly. And in the very end, he realizes his own malice.

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