Sirach 13:22-28 – MoralMinute Thu, 04 Nov 2021 20:42:32 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sirach 13:22-28 Wed, 07 Apr 2021 16:59:49 +0000 {13:22} What fellowship does a holy man have with a dog? Or what portion do the wealthy have with the poor?
{13:23} In the desert, the wild donkey is the prey of the lion. So also are the poor the pasture of the rich.
{13:24} And just as humility is an abomination to the arrogant, so also does the rich man abhor the poor man.
{13:25} When a wealthy man has been shaken, he is strengthened by his friends. But when a lowly man has fallen, he is expelled even by those who know him well.
{13:26} When a rich man has been deceived, many will help him recover; he has spoken arrogantly, and yet they justify him.
{13:27} When a poor man has been deceived, in addition he is rebuked; he has spoken with understanding, and no place is given to him.
{13:28} The rich man has spoken, and all remain silent, and they repeat his words, even to the clouds.
