Sirach 16:8-14

{16:8} The giants of antiquity did not obtain pardon for their sins; they were destroyed by trusting in their own abilities.
{16:9} And he did not spare the place of Lot’s sojourn, and he abhorred them because of the arrogance of their words.
{16:10} He did not take pity on them, destroying an entire people, who even extolled themselves concerning their sins.
{16:11} And this was so with six hundred thousand men, who were gathered together in the hardness of their hearts. And if even a single obstinate person had escaped unpunished, it would be a wonder.
{16:12} For mercy and wrath are with him. He is powerful in forgiveness, and he pours forth wrath.
{16:13} As is his mercy, so also is his correction; he judges a man according to his works.
{16:14} The sinner, in his violations, will not escape; but the patience of the One who shows mercy will not be diminished.

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Sirach 16:15-21

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Sirach 16:1-7