Sirach 1:18-26
{1:18} Sanctity will guard and justify the heart, and will bestow happiness and joy.
{1:19} It will be well with him who fears the Lord, and at the consummation of his days, he will be blessed.
{1:20} To fear God is the fullness of wisdom, and it is a fullness from its fruits.
{1:21} She will fill her entire house from her offspring, and storehouses from her treasures.
{1:22} The fear of the Lord is the crown of wisdom, the completion of peace, and the fruit of salvation.
{1:23} And the fear of the Lord has seen and numbered wisdom; but both are gifts of God.
{1:24} Wisdom will distribute knowledge and an understanding of prudence; and she lifts up the glory of those who hold to her.
{1:25} The root of wisdom is to fear the Lord, and its branches are long-lived.
{1:26} In the treasures of wisdom is understanding and the sanctity of knowledge. But to sinners, wisdom is an abomination.
Sirach 1:9-17
{1:9} He created wisdom through the Holy Spirit, and he saw her, and numbered her, and measured her.
{1:10} And he poured her over all his works, and over all flesh, to the extent of his favor, and he has offered her to those who love him.
{1:11} The fear of the Lord is glory, and honor, and rejoicing, and a crown of exultation.
{1:12} The fear of the Lord will delight the heart, and will give joy and gladness and length of days.
{1:13} It will be well, in the very end, for him who fears the Lord, and on the day that he passes away, he will be blessed.
{1:14} The love of God is honorable wisdom.
{1:15} And those to whom she will appear for their consideration love her because of what they see and know of her great works.
{1:16} The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and was created with the faithful in the womb, and walks with elect women, and is known by the just and the faithful.
{1:17} The fear of the Lord is the sanctity of knowledge.