Sirach 4:17-26

{4:17} If he believes in her, he will inherit her, and whatever arises from him will be confirmed.
{4:18} For she walks with him through temptation, and she chooses him from the beginning.
{4:19} She will lead fear and dread and trials over him, and she will crucify him with the tribulation of her doctrine, until she has tested him in his thoughts and she can trust in his soul.
{4:20} And then she will strengthen him, and lead him along a straight path, and rejoice in him.
{4:21} And she will disclose her secrets to him, and she will store up treasure, of the knowledge and understanding of justice, in him.
{4:22} But if he has wandered astray, she will leave him behind, and she will deliver him into the hands of his enemy.
{4:23} Son, be continually observant, and keep away from evil.
{4:24} For the sake of your soul, you should not be ashamed to speak the truth.
{4:25} For there is a shame that brings sin, and there is a shame that brings glory and grace.
{4:26} You should not accept a face contrary to your own face, nor should you accept a lie contrary to your own soul.

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Sirach 4:8-16

{4:8} Turn your ear without sadness toward the poor, and repay your debt, and respond to him peacefully in meekness.
{4:9} Free him who suffers injury at the hand of the arrogant, and do not carry animosity in your soul.
{4:10} In judging, be merciful to the orphan, like a father, and be merciful to their mother, like a husband.
{4:11} And then you shall be like an obedient son of the Most High, and he will take pity on you more than a mother would.
{4:12} Wisdom breathes life into her sons, and she lifts up those who are seeking her, and she will precede them in the way of justice.
{4:13} And he who loves her loves life. And those who watch for her shall embrace her delights.
{4:14} Those who hold to her will inherit life. And whatever place she enters, God will bless.
{4:15} Those who serve her will yield to what is holy. And God loves those who love wisdom.
{4:16} He who listens to her shall judge the nations. And he who gazes upon her will remain secure.

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