Sirach 21:8-14 – MoralMinute Thu, 04 Nov 2021 20:37:23 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sirach 21:8-14 Mon, 01 Nov 2021 21:06:13 +0000 {21:8} He who has power by means of a bold tongue will be known from far away. But an understanding man knows to slip past him.
{21:9} Whoever builds his house, paid for by another, is like one who gathers his building stones in winter.
{21:10} The synagogue of sinners is like stubble piled up; for the end of them both is a burning fire.
{21:11} The way of sinners is paved and level, and at their end is hell and darkness and punishments.
{21:12} Whoever observes justice will obtain an understanding of it.
{21:13} The consummation of the fear of God is wisdom and understanding.
{21:14} One who is not wise in goodness will not accept instruction.
