Sirach 19:8-14 – MoralMinute Thu, 04 Nov 2021 20:38:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sirach 19:8-14 Tue, 07 Sep 2021 18:28:40 +0000 {19:8} Do not reveal your mind to friend or foe. And if there is a sin within you, do not disclose it.
{19:9} For he will listen to you and watch you, and while pretending to defend your sin, he will despise you, and so he will be whenever he is with you.
{19:10} Have you heard a word against your neighbor? Let it die within you, trusting that it will not burst forth from you.
{19:11} Before the face of a word, a foolish man labors, like a woman groaning as she gives birth to a child.
{19:12} Like an arrow fixed in the flesh of the thigh, so is a word in the heart of a foolish man.
{19:13} Correct a friend, though perhaps there was a misunderstanding, and he may say, “I did not do it.” Or, if he did do it, correct him, so that he may not do it again.
{19:14} Correct your neighbor, for perhaps he did not say it. But if he did say it, correct him, so that he may not say it again.
