Sirach 18:8-14

Sirach 18:8-14

{18:8} The number of the days of men are as many as one hundred years. Like a drop of water in the ocean, so they are considered to be. And like a grain of sand on the shore, so do these few years compare to the days of all time.
{18:9} For this reason, God is patient with them, and he pours forth his mercy upon them.
{18:10} He has seen that the presumption of their heart is evil, and he knows that their rebelliousness is wicked.
{18:11} Therefore, he has bestowed his forgiveness on them, and he has revealed to them the way of equity.
{18:12} The compassion of man is toward those closest to him. But the mercy of God is upon all flesh.
{18:13} He is merciful, and he teaches and corrects, like a shepherd with his flock.
{18:14} He takes pity on those who accept the doctrine of compassion, and he applies his judgments promptly.

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