Sirach 16:22-27
Sirach 16:22-27
{16:22} For many of his works are concealed. But who will announce the works of his justice? Or who will endure them? For the testament is far from some persons, and the examination of each thing is in its end.
{16:23} Whoever diminishes the heart, thinks empty thoughts. For the imprudent and erring man thinks up foolishness.
{16:24} Listen to me, son, and learn the discipline of understanding, and attend to my words in your heart.
{16:25} And I will speak with equity about discipline, and I will strive to announce wisdom. So attend to my words in your heart, and I will speak with equity of spirit, about the virtues that God has set within his works from the beginning, and I will announce his knowledge in truth.
{16:26} With the judgment of God, his works have been done from the beginning; and from their institution, he himself distinguished their parts and set their beginnings, in their kinds.
{16:27} He has beautified their works unto eternity. They have neither hungered, nor labored, and they have not ceased from their works.