Sirach 11:1-7 – MoralMinute Thu, 04 Nov 2021 20:44:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sirach 11:1-7 Mon, 01 Feb 2021 16:27:52 +0000 {11:1} The wisdom of one who is humble will exalt his head, and will cause him to sit down in the midst of great men.
{11:2} You should not praise a man for his beauty, and you should not despise a man for his appearances.
{11:3} The bee is small among flying things, but its fruit holds the summit of sweetness.
{11:4} You should not glory in clothing at any time, and you should not let yourself be extolled in the day of your honor. For the works of the Most High alone are wondrous; and glorious and hidden and unseen are his works.
{11:5} Many tyrants have sat upon a throne, and one whom no one would admire has worn a diadem.
{11:6} Many powerful men have been powerfully cast down, and the illustrious have been handed over into the hands of others.
{11:7} Before you inquire, you should not place blame on anyone; and when you have inquired, reprove justly.
