Sirach 22:15-21

{22:15} Keep yourself from him, so that you may not have problems, and so that you will not be polluted by his sin.
{22:16} Turn away from him, and you will find rest, and you will not be discouraged by his foolishness.
{22:17} What is heavier than lead? And what else can he be called but foolish?
{22:18} Sand, and salt, and an iron weight are each easier to bear than an imprudent man, who is both foolish and impious.
{22:19} A bundle of wood strapped together in the foundation of a building will not be loosened. And similar is the heart that has been strengthened by thoughtful counsel.
{22:20} The thoughts of one who is understanding will not be corrupted by fear in any situation.
{22:21} Just as chaff in a high place, or a wall made of mortar without stones set within, will not continue against the face of the wind,

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Sirach 22:22-27

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