Sirach 19:15-21

{19:15} Correct your friend. For often a fault has been committed.
{19:16} And do not believe every word. There is one who slips with his word, but not with his heart.
{19:17} For who is there who has not offended with his words? Correct your neighbor before you reprimand him.
{19:18} And make a place for the fear of the Most High. For all wisdom is fear of God, and it is wise to fear God, and in all wisdom is the orderly disposition of the law.
{19:19} But the discipline of wickedness is not wisdom. And there is no prudence in the thoughts of sinners.
{19:20} There is a wickedness, and in it there is abomination. And there is a foolish man who has been diminished in wisdom.
{19:21} Better is a man who has been diminished in wisdom because his mind is failing, but with the fear of God, than he who abounds in intelligence, but with transgression against the law of the Most High.

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Sirach 19:8-14